Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The state of my union

95% of the time I won't write about work. 
I won't comment on my job
or how my day went while at the office
The main reason being I prefer to forget about it
especially by the time I get home. 
today will get mentioned for certain reasons. 
I believe that I respect about half of management 
and of of those managers that i don't respect
has pushed themselves to the limit. 

This trait isn't just part of a manager's personality
it's a part of people nobody will admit to
which is exactly the problem. 
We've been raised so that if we're wrong or

if we do something wrong 
it's bad. 
Well what happened to teaching people
to own up to their own mistakes? 
It's ridiculous when people take the easy way out
and blame other people for what they did wrong
or what they could have prevented themselves. 
I'm tired of people/managers pawning off 
their own mistakes on other people. 

It's time to grow some balls
and stand up for yourself 
and what you've done.

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