Sunday, September 19, 2010

Seattle Recap

I left Friday night to Seattle to visit my amazing friend who I hadn't seen in a little over a year. 
My view from the plane was spectacular. 

I got there late Friday and Natasha was working so I hung out with her until she closed. 
Saturday we went to eat brunch at this cute little place that was converted from a house into a restaurant. Then we went to the U-district to walk around and check out some thrift stores. 
We then went to trader joes to grab some stuff for a picnic we would be having before The National concert. 

The show was amazing. Okkervil River opened the show and they were pretty good. When The National came on we abandoned our blanket and picnic stuff to enjoy them from a much closer distance. 

Here are a bunch of pics from that night 

The next day, Sunday, her boyfriend made breakfast, we watched a little bit of football and then went to a few local places I read about. 

First stop the Fremont troll 
We went to the Fremont Marketplace after that to walk around the little booths. Nothing really fancied my liking so I didn't buy anything. We also went to Theo chocolate to pick some up since it's some of the best chocolate I've ever had. 

Then we went to Ballard to visit the Edith Macefield "Up" house. 
It's a house this woman wouldn't sell to developers and so they had to build around it. She passed away a little after she refused to sell her house, though it still remains...probably because people would object to it being torn down. 

Then we stopped at Trophy Cupcakes in Wallingford. It's so pretty there. 

Natasha had to work Sunday night  :(  so we headed home so she could get ready. I walked to a local used bookstore and bought 4 books. It was a nice walk, makes me wish we had cute little stores just as close so I could walk to those. Her boyfriend made us dinner, then we headed to her bar to hang out. 
Tino's old roommate and his girlfriend happened to be visiting at the same time so they came up to hang out as well. I talked to a lot of locals that night and I think that's the night I felt like I understood a little more about people and their environment. 

 Monday was very relaxing. Natasha made a delicious breakfast, we headed to Ballard to get more cupcakes from Cupcake Royale and some Stumptown coffee. Then we went to Mr. Gyro for lunch before I left to come home and make myself snap back to reality and the responsibilities I have.

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