Wednesday, December 30, 2009

My Los Angeles Forest

Everyone should have a place they go to that's just theirs.
A place where only happiness occurs.
A place where nobody can pop that feeling.
Some people have this place in their mind.
Some people have a physical location.

I wonder what it would be like to have my own mini forest
in the middle of this huge metropolitan city.
Sure there's gardens around (though not many)
a forest would be different.
LA National Forest doesn't count either
especially now that more than half of it has burned.

I want to step outside my door,
Walk about a mile
and enter another world.
A world where fresh air is plentiful.
One where the colors my eyes see are only greens and browns.
Where things are actually living and death is an after thought.
With trees as tall the building I work in.
Crisp air that will send a slight chill down your spine
but only for a moment.
Where talking is prohibited, even though when you see someone
communication will still occur.
It doesn't need to be more than a mile in diameter.
That's more than enough space for a few people
to claim it as their own.

The one huge downside to having that near a major city
is the fact that people talk too much.
It wouldn't be soothing anymore
It would become overcrowded just like everything else.
And then a year later it would probably disappear
because people won't respect the place it's become.

It's sad to know that Los Angeles will never have it's own forest.
It will never be the city it had potential to be.

But I'll still call it home.
For now.

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